


What is happening to our skies?

6MP — Uncropped

25 thoughts on “Occlusion”

  1. Great cloud pic Michael. Funny weather? Perhaps an increase in sunspot activity or changes in polar magnetic forces.

      1. No sarcasm at all. The person who commented before me talked about strange weather lately, so I followed on with my thoughts about it.

        1. Ok. That’s fine. Sarcasm would have worked as well. The weather has been rainy, now it is back in the 80s which I love. Actually, I was just about to delete this photo because I thought the color version was better. But before it started to get likes so I left it up.

  2. I wish I knew. This past Thursday, our town received the most rain in the shortest period of time that it has ever gotten in the past 100 years. Talk about flooding!! It sure has put me behind in my computer work!

      1. Our car was moved (thank goodness) and it came within an inch of getting in the front door – so we actually lucked-out with only a lake in the Florida room. Some people are in the process right now of gutting their homes (just down the street).

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